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Nano Mask

Technical specifications of Buffalo N95 mask

Mask model: N95

Application: Ability to absorb air pollutant gases, lead, target bacteria that transmit various respiratory and viral diseases

Design: It has a suitable design that makes it easy to install on different faces

Advantage: Easier to breathe despite the filter

Valve: Has a one-way valve

Color: gray

Gender: masculine, feminine

Brand: Buffalo

Mask N95, FFP2 Buffalo
The FFP2, N95 side armpit mask is the most suitable model for public use. The light weight and proper material of the mask make it easy to work with and all people can use it easily. The presence of straps and nasal clamps in the design of the valve mask has made it easy to put on the face and covers all the pores so that the contamination does not enter the respiratory system of people.

When you’re in a polluted environment, such as a paint shop or woodworking workshop where dust particles are high, the best tool you can use is a valve armpit mask. Because this mask easily prevents the entry of these particles.

The outer layers of the FFP2, N95 valve mask are made of polypropylene and the inner layers are made of activated carbon. Also, the most important layer of this mask is Mellon Bloon layer, which distinguishes this mask from other valve masks. These layers of the mask make the penetration of toxic substances into the mask even zero. It has the ability to clean dust and airborne particles, and this model of mask is not suitable for refinery environments where chemical particles are abundant.

Valve mask is suitable for livestock, poultry, transfer of infectious and hospital waste and waste recycling and cleaning and service work